On the road: A Love Story
Back in 2016, we took our first trip abroad: a one week road trip through the incredible landscapes of Norway. Just us, a car, a tent and hardly any experience. Even though we quickly realized during the freezing nights that we came utterly unprepared, it started an unexpected chain reaction and soon we found ourselves camping in a van every time we had the chance! We even built our own van to travel around Europe.
So far we cruised around The United States of America, Kyrgyzstan, Kazachstan, Iceland, Portugal, Spain, France, Australia, Austria, New Zealand, Switzerland, Germany, Slovenia, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Italy and Norway and are planning to add a lot more countries to this list!
Vanlife: A Hot Topic
Since starting our blog in 2019 we noticed an explosion in questions about how we get around in the countries we visit. We get a massive amount of messages in our DM’s and most of them are people asking how we travel, where we rent campervans and what companies we would recommend.
“Hey, I have a question regarding transportation. How do you do this? In a few months I will be traveling alone through California and I am looking for the cheapest/ most efficient way to travel .”
“Hey! Question about this [Australia]. Can you name some campervan companies please? Which of course you are satisfied with.“
“hey! I’m Hannah’s friend. I’m leaving for Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan in a few days and was wondering if you still remember which company you rented a car with ?”
“Hey Hey! How expensive is it to rent a campervan in Australia ? Where do you rent?”
“Do you happen to write a blogpost about that? Sounds very interesting to road trip through New Zealand during winter!”
Teaming up with De Voyageurs
At the moment the best way to reach an audience on Instagram is by regularly posting stories. Via our Instagram stories we take our followers along on our journey and show them what vanlife looks like!
Since the pandemic, vanlife is rapidly gaining popularity! During our recent collaboration with a campervan company in Australia we noticed that sharing a link to their company website in our IG stories resulted in a click through rate of +20%.
Our society is an utterly audiovisual one. “Pics or it didn’t happen!” As informative and witty your copywriting can be, nothing beats a sun soaked photograph to propel you to a destination unkown.
Teaming up with De Voyageurs will result in a stunning representation of everything you’ve got in store. We go through extreme lengths to portray places and objects in the best possible conditions. Rising at inhumane early hours, hiking up mountains in pitch black darkness, battling the freezing cold or travel half around the world just to get the perfect shot that ‘ll knock you of your socks. No worries, we’ve got you covered!
De Voyageurs can provide you with high resolution photographs & videos, to use on your social media & website, or we can share them on our own platforms.
Let’s roll!
Convinced to embark on a voyage with us and set up a fun collab?